Inspiration- The Journey
Inspiration can grace us at any time with a divine thought. That doesn't mean we will recognize it or not dismiss it as over the top, silly or non-essential to life.
Even if you see inspiration for what it is what are ya supposed to do with it? What are you supposed to do next? Are there steps to take or an "Inspiration for Dummies" book you can snag? How do you figure out what to do with this thing that just landed in your brain?
Good news! There are steps! I'm walking you through each one of them on this journey! As soon as you grab this digital ebook you'll have a framework of thoughts and a few questions you can begin asking yourself.
The basics of inspiration and the "how to" of the creative process.
Once purchased, you can download your book to keep foreva!
You'll get this nifty ebook that makes the coolest page swishing noise when ya "turn" the pages! This is a digital ebook of sorts but actually ;) it's a personal guide to your creativity!! No physical product will mailed to you.